Rino Island

Fonte: MicroWiki
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República de Rino Island

Quod scripsi, scripsi (English: What is writing, writing was)
Capital Santiago de Chile (de facto)
La ciudad más grande Aldea de Pedro
Idioma oficial Castellano
Religión Oficial Roman Catholicism
Nombre corto Rino Island
Gentil Rinoislander
Tipo de gobierno República Presidencialista
- Presidente Marco Antonio Rino
Órgano legislativo Gran Senado de Rino Island
Formación 2009
Población total 3600 estimated (as of 2016 census)
Moneda USA Dolar
Time zone Chilean Time (CLT)[1]
National sport Fútbol
National animal Chungungo
Patrona San Vittorio
Organizaciones Miembro UM, OEM, UMR, FIFAM, Unión Mundial, Microlympics.

Sitio Oficial

La República de Rino Island (in english "Republic of Rino Island"), comúnmente conocido como Rino Island es una micronación que reclama las islas de Podestá, Minnehaha, Emily, Rivadeneyra y las islas fantasmas en el Océano Pacífico sur. Esto se suma a una colonia ubicada en el pueblo europeo de Pedro (known as the "Overseas Territory of the Village of Pedro"). Rino Island es miembro de la Organization of United Micronations , es un miembro fundador de Microvisión, y un candidato para el Conference of Santiago.

Rino Island ha intentado posicionarse como una de las micronaciones hispanas más prominentes. Ha acogido varios eventos importantes, como el 2016 Microvision Festival y el 2015 Friendship Games.

Tierras reclamadas

El territorio de Rino Island está formado por islas, islotes, rocas y arrecifes sobre los que se ejerce la soberanía. Las islas reclamadas por la República Rino Island son:

  • Davis Land, Renombrado como Rino Island por el fundador del país, el Sr. Vittorio Rino.
  • Podestá Island
  • Minnehaha Rock, isla llamada por el gobierno de la isla de Rino.
  • Emily Rock
  • Rivadeneyra Shoal

Originally, when independence was proclaimed in 2009, our country claimed for itself the territories of the Land of Davis and Clipperton Island. Our declaration of independence established that the Land of Davis would be renamed "Isla de Rino", as a tribute to the first President of the Republic, Vittorio Rino The country in turn would be called Rino Island, in English since it is easier for foreigners. (Rino Island Province) Clipperton Island had to stop being officially claimed in 2014, due to admission requirements of the United Micronations Organization (another member claimed it). Given this, and in view of the fact that the other national territory was a ghost island, President Samperi proclaimed the annexation of the Podestá, Minnehaha, Emily rock, Rivadeneyra Reef, and other ghost islets of the Pacific Ocean. Letters were sent to the governments of the Pacific Rim. (Province of Outer Islands)

On January 1, 2016, by virtue of a treaty with the “Independent Kingdom of the Numantine Lands”, Rino Island came to have sovereignty over the village of Rebollosa de Pedro, or simply Pedro, in Montejo de Tiermes. Its 10 inhabitants became Rinoislandees, and formed the Pedro Province, like Colonia, which after a referendum in 2019 became an Overseas Territory, with autonomy. (Pedro Overseas Territory)


On December 9, 2009, Vittorio Rino founded the Republic of Rino, after a social gathering. At the beginning it was treated in a simulationist manner and it served an unprofessional/hobbyist purpose, but over time it became more serious which culminated in 2013 when Rino Island created an official website.

The modern history of our country begins on December 9, 2009, when the proclamation of national independence of the Republic of Rino Island takes place, written and read by His Excellency the President of the Republic Don Vittorio Rino. The original objective was to make our young country a social club, in the manner of the Parva Domus that exists in Uruguay. Those were the first guidelines of our origins, and this was maintained until 2012. In that year, new citizens proposed the creation of a website, an issue that opened new horizons for us.

The rapid exposure that Rino Island gained on the web caused the number of citizens to increase explosively, although many of them had no intention of participating in a positive way. This exploded in the 2013 elections, where affiliates linked to ultras groups unleashed the “civil war” by blocking the page for several days, leading to its temporary completion.At the same time, the active physical life of the Republic of Rino Island was growing, and short films, books and iconography of better quality were developed than previously owned.

Given that the volume of activity was very high, President Vittorio Rino decided to cede the government to his personal friend Benedetto Samperi, a Chilean citizen, to draft new constitution, laws and make the project compatible with web participation.In June 2014 the Rino Island Political Constitution was promulgated, with Benedetto Samperi as president. Institutions such as the Rino Island Institute Of Research were created, which has carried out a series of outstanding investigations, and the country's territorial limits were definitively established. Pato Pictures received official support, and our official YouTube channel was institutionalized by the Rino Island Broadcasting Company. Diplomatically we are experiencing a high development, starting to have contact with micronations, many of these links continue to this day. We request to join the Organization of United Micronations, a process delayed by a border dispute.

The December 2014 presidential election handed the presidency over to Tomás Ríos, who actively developed diplomacy allowing Rino Island to join the United Micronations Organization. Thanks to an agreement with a Spanish micronation, the Pedro colony was incorporated, today converted into the Pedro Overseas Territory.

In 2016, Don Jair Meza, a former Mexican footballer, who only governed for a month, was elected to disappear from all records later. He put an end to the film studio, and promulgated a Penal Code. The absence of Meza destabilized our political system, which caused a series of instabilities, including two coups d'état between 2016-2017, and a decrease in citizens, which did not prevent the organization of the 2016 Microvisión Musical Festival.

Finally, in May 2017, the former Illinois residents returned to power, led by Anastasio López and Marco Antonio Rino, the founder's nephew. Anastasio López chaired the reorganization committee that governed Rino Island together with the Council during 2017-2018, leading the update of the laws and a series of constitutional and institutional reforms that modernized our country. Hand in hand with Marco Antonio Rino since September 2018, Rino Island has achieved enormous development, achieving physical activity mainly, as well as on the web. Diplomatic contacts were established with the embassy of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, and with the Kingdom of Araucanía and Patagonia.

The celebration of our 10 years of independence in 2019 was just one of a series of great milestones in the government of President Rino: the opening of the national library, the reestablishment of Pato Pictures, the philatelic museum, the reopening of the Grand Senate and the Supreme Court, together with the formation of a solid institutional framework, supported by the Rinoislander National Unity Party. In addition, Pedro's Overseas Territory began to be a national autonomous territory, governed by Carlos Sancho Santana. Rino Island presents itself to the future with hope for a better future.

Gobierno y políticas

Rino Island is a presidential democratic republic, acording to the 2014 Constitution. The President of the Republic is in charge of the executive function, and draws up laws together with the Grand Senate; the judicial functions correspond to the Supreme Court appointed by the President.

The Grand Senate is made up of ten members and the President of the Republic, who himself is a Senator in his own right. Another Senator is appointed by the National Trade Union Central to represent the national unions.

Although a democratic and multiparty republic (in principal), only one party has been registered: The Rinoislandic National Unity Party, to which the President Marco Antonio Rino and all members of the Grand Senate belong. The party is also known as "the political expression of the nation". The Christian Social Party was recently founded.

LLista de presidentes de la República de Rino Island

  • Vittorio Rino (09-XII-2009-20-XII-2013) QEPD
  • Benedetto Samperi (12/20 2013-2015)
  • Tomás Ríos (2015-2016)
  • Jair Meza (2016)
  • Government Board, Co-Presidency of Botelo-Flores (2016-2017)
  • Dictatorship of Tomás Ríos (2017)
  • Dictatorship of Francisco Gómez (2017)
  • Governing Board, Chaired by Anastasio López (2017-20-IX-2018)
  • Marco Antonio Rino (20-IX-2018-2020)

* en 'negrita' gobiernos elegidos de acuerdo con la Constitución Política de la Isla Rino
